Winter may seem never ending but this ice sun catcher is a great winter activity for the whole family.

All you need to make these fun sun catchers are
- Plastic or silicone dishes
- Items from nature (berries, leaves, sticks, pine needles etc)
- String or rope
- Water

Make an Ice Sun Catcher
If you want your ice sun catcher to look clear the easiest way to do that is boiling water first. Let it cool beforehand, especially if children are helping out. While the water is cooling it’s a great time to get dressed, head outside and find some items for your sun catchers. We found some blue berries, leaves and sticks.

Fun Fact: hot water freezes faster than cold water! It’s known as the Mpemba Effect.
Once you’ve collected all your items and your water has cooled down, pour the water into the dish. Add a strong piece of string or rope to the water. Make sure it’s a thick piece of rope and that it’s fully submerged in the water.

Add whatever nature pieces you have, berries, leaves, sticks, pine needles.

Let the dish freeze outside over night. Once frozen, carefully remove the ice from the dish and hang in a tree. I may have got a bit excited before it froze and touched my sun catcher but just leave it!

I think the ice sun catcher turned out lovely. It’s a fun way to embrace the cold and snow, even though I’m actually dreaming of summer.

And if you live somewhere hot year round this is still a fun activity to bring in a little bit of winter, even if it’s for a short while.