What’s not to love about a simple DIY? If you need some Valentine’s Day decor inspiration this easy lipstick art is a sweet project you can whip up in no time.

All you need to make this easy lipstick art is
- Lipsticks
- Paper or card stock
- Pencil
- Picture frame

Easy Lipstick Art
I’m sure you have some old lipsticks sitting in a drawer, probably a few new ones that just weren’t your color. I asked my best friend if she had any pink or red lipsticks she wasn’t wearing. My bestie pulled through with a lot of good shades, most weren’t even open! If you don’t have any lipstick to spare you can always buy some at the dollar store.

My daughter loves lipstick, so of course she was in on the fun as well. I started off by lightly drawing a heart on a piece of paper.

Next, we organized the lipstick by colors and started drawing lines one by one. My daughter and I had fun with this part, and we definitely didn’t stay in the lines. It doesn’t have to look perfect, I like the smeared look.
Once the heart was done we weren’t quite done with our lipstick art. Next, we had fun “painting” our lips and kissing the paper and made our own custom kiss art.

We didn’t even wait for the lipstick to dry on the paper, we framed them right away! If you don’t want to risk smearing the lipstick then waiting for it to dry would be a good idea. In the end this easy lipstick art turned out pretty sweet, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

All you have left to do is put your art up! Let us know if you try to make your own lipstick art.