Decorating Easter eggs doesn’t need to be just for kids! Make these simple doodle drawings on your eggs. This is a fun activity you can do while watching TV or relaxing.

Materials Needed
You probably already have these supplies at home. Hard boil your eggs and wait for them to cool before drawing on them. I bought eggs but decided that I’m going to naturally dye those eggs with onions instead (stay tuned for that project.) For this project, I’m using craft eggs and a sharpie marker.
- White eggs (I got mine at the dollar store)
- Sharpie marker

Doodle Easter Eggs
Get creative. You can let you kids decorate too, just be aware that if you use washable markers it will likely smear. You can get colorful sharpies too, or stick with black! These doodle Easter eggs are mindless fun so don’t worry if your doodles look a bit messy, It all comes together at the end.

Once you’re done your done with your doodles you can display the eggs in an egg carton. I used a wooden box and filled it with paper grass and then put the eggs inside. The green paper really makes the black and white eggs stand out.

Now you just have to fill your egg carton or box with your decorated eggs. I’m glad I used the craft eggs because I can reuse these every year with my Easter decor.