Make these pretty spring vases with lace using mason jars and scrap fabric. All you’ll need to do is arrange your spring flowers to decorate your home or create bright beautiful centerpieces. We have beautiful daffodils growing on our fence line. I love them because first of all, they’re beautiful. And second of all, they grow every year on their own! They’re one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring and brighten our yard. I wanted to bring some daffodils inside to add some color to my neutral decor.

Materials Needed
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How to Make Spring Vases
Upcycle an old sauce or salsa mason jar. Pick a smooth mason jar without any logos. Remove the paper label and then wash and dry the mason jar. I chose 2 different sizes and these are so easy to make you can make multiple spring vases.

Wrap your lace or scrap fabric around the jar to see how much fabric you need and cut to size.

Add a line of mod podge near the bottom of the jar. Go all the way around so that there is a ring of Mod Podge around the jar. This will make it easier to place your lace and hold it in place.

Wrap your lace or scrap fabric about the jar where you placed the mod podge.

Start adding mod podge over top the lace but try to get it over the edges of the lace. Don’t worry about it looking too thick or white because it will dry clear.

Wait for your spring vases to completely dry.

Add some twine to the top of the mason jar to give your spring vases a rustic touch.

Now all you have to do is add spring flowers and you’re spring vases are done!

May 30, 2022 at 9:26 PMCute!! I really like how this turned out!