Freshen up your home without overpowering your senses with these DIY Scented clothespins. They’re long lasting, easy to make and you can choose your favorite essential oil fragrance. This craft seriously takes less than 5 minutes to make and you’ll have the perfect little addition to closets, drawers, storage baskets or bathrooms.

Materials Needed
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DIY Scented Clothespins
Start by choosing your favorite essential oil fragrance. Also, make sure to use a wooden clothespin that is untreated, some come with a gloss or coating. You want the oil to be able to soak into the wood.
Lay your wooden clothespins on a wipe-able surface, or place some fabric underneath to soak up any excess drops. Drop as much or as little essential oil as you like onto the wood clothespin, but usually covering everything is best. Alternatively you can add the wooden clothespins inside a plastic bag, add the oil and mix it together.

You will start to see that the wooden clothespin will look slightly wet and glossy.

The wood soaks in the oil pretty fast so you’ll be able to use them right away. Now simply add them into any space that you want to freshen up. They’re great for closets, drawers, and storage baskets.

You can choose your favourite scented essential oils. These scented clothespins are great because you can use a different scent for every season. For spring I love lavender, lilac is great for summer, orange for fall and peppermint for winter.

These DIY scented clothespins are long lasting but you can also add more drops at anytime! How easy are these to make?
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