DIY cash stuffing envelopes are a useful tool for budgeting, saving and tracking your expenses! This system works great for people who live on cash. I personally don’t use cash for repeated purchases like groceries, gas or utilities. But I find it really helpful for those expenses that come every year like Christmas or birthdays. Or really, for anything that I’m looking to save up for.

Materials You’ll Need
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- Envelopes
- Cricut machine
- Cricut cutting mat
- Permanent vinyl in color of your choice.
- Transfer tape
- Measuring tape
- Weeding tool and scraper

DIY Cash Stuffing Envelopes for Budgeting
Start by identifying your expenses and prioritize which envelopes you’d like to make. Open Cricut Design Space and start a new project. Insert the font options and choose your font (I used Font Mini Garden.) Enter your categories and adjust the size to fit your envelopes. There’s no need to get fancy with your envelopes, I had a smaller planner and bought plastic envelopes for it, but you could just as easily use paper or plastic organizers. And if you don’t have a Cricut machine use stickers from the dollar store, or simply use a sharpie to label your envelopes.

Next go to “Make it” and select with mat option (If you’re using Smart vinyl you will not need to use a mat). Then select your material. Connect to your Cricut machine and load your Cricut mat when prompted.

Once the categories are cut, unload the machine and cut out the vinyl. Weed the excess vinyl around the cut categories.

Cut a piece of transfer tape and place it over the categories. Peel away from the backing.

Next position the transfer tape over an envelope, pressing down and carefully peeling the transfer tape so that the category is left on the envelope.

Continue onto the other envelopes and you’re done!

Next, you’ll just have to decide how much you’re wanting to spend in each category and start your saving!

It may also be helpful to start with a few categories and gradually add more as you become comfortable with the system. Here are a few different categories that you could include:
- Grocery
- Gas
- Transportation
- Fun money
- Trips
- Medical
- Car
- Furniture
- Gifts
- Donations
- Pets
- Eating out
- Clothing
- Entertainment
- Christmas
- Household
- Kids stuff
- Mani & pedi
- Date night
- Weddings
- Gym
- Toys
- Concerts
- School stuff
- Miscellaneous

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Looking for more ways to stay organized? Download this free printable grocery list or read these tips to help you get motivated to clean your house!