If you don’t have much space in your house or apartment for a designated area for your daily schedules, keys, masks, papers, then here are some command center ideas that are easy to DIY and don’t take up much space.

Materials Used for this Command Center
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Command Center Ideas
Start with a with a spot that is easy to see but doesn’t take up too much space. Our kitchen area is tiny and my main goal was set up a calendar so the family can see important dates and appointments. I say “we” but I mean my husband. I picked an empty wall near the kitchen. First I put up a calendar and that really did help us both keep up to date with monthly appointments, plus it left room for memo notes.

And since I needed a spot for mail I used an Ikea spice rack as a letter holder. It fits perfectly and I didn’t even need to paint it because across from the command center wall, we have floating shelves with touches of wood in the decor. So it matched perfectly!

Next I needed some hooks to hold our keys and masks. I found these awesome buddy wall hooks off Amazon. They look like little men trying to climb the wall. I thought they were fun and they fit perfectly with the command center.

Next, I went looking to add something to the top of the command center and went with a retro looking wall light. Instead of hard wiring it you can attach it to the wall and buy mini touch lights for the bottom.

If you need to know one thing about me, it’s that I love black. I will always choose black for decor, clothing, paint, you name it. I just love the aesthetic so I added a black cart to hold water bottles, snacks and any other random thing that the kids will bring. It’s always a good idea to leave some empty space to see how everything works for your family and then adjust from there.

It’s always is nice to add fresh flowers, plants or succulents.

There is the finished spot! It barely took up any space and I used a small wall that was empty. I hope you got some command center ideas for your own space.

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